I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Allied Houston Corp. Staff for the support that I have received from them for the past 10 years.  I believe that Allied is the best Mortgage Company in America and I am glad to be a part of it.   It is a pleasure to work for Jim Hodge, as he has been very supportive to the branches over the years and should be commended for leading such great talent in our industry.  I continue to be a part of the Allied Family because I know that Allied is strong and competitive and will supply the branches with the tools needed to help the people of America with their Real Estate Financing. Maria Donaghy, Branch 1249

Being part of Allied for almost 10 years, I have seen many people and companies come and go.  What has been a constant has been the reception we receive by wholesale banks, title companies, etc. when they hear the Allied name.  Allied brings "clout!"  A large, national, and well respected company gets preferential treatment by many.  Even local account managers are coached by their superiors to insure we get top treatment, even if locally we're only supplying them limited volume.  As nationally, the see the big picture.  In these tumultuous times, it comforting to know we're all part of something good and strong.
Rusty Froats, Branch 1427

You don’t see too many mortgage professionals in the community with company shirts on anymore.  However, if you’re ever in South Florida, you’ll find me wearing something with the Allied Logo every day.  Not because I have to, or its popular, but because I’m proud to.  While others in our profession have had to change company shirts every few months, the good people at Allied have been wearing the same logo for years.
A wise man once said that “we will be the last one standing in the room”.  That wise man is our leader. 
Robert Davis III, MBA
 Branch 2679